Gratis DLC en nieuwe patch aangekondigd voor Arizona Sunshine!

Gratis DLC en nieuwe patch aangekondigd voor Arizona Sunshine!

Update 1.02 voor Arizone Sunshine gaat live!

Arizona Sunshine komt eraan met gratis DLC, namelijk twee nieuwe mappen voor Horde mode. De ene neemt je mee in donkere mijnen (Old Mine), terwijl de andere zich afspeelt tegen de contreien van Las Vegas (Undead Valley).

Verder is er ook een nieuwe update beschikbaar, die volgende problemen oplost:
Added a chaperone system
Added gun sights for aim assist, this can be disabled in the settings
The two-handed weapons campaign can now be played in co-op mode
The horde mode can now be played with two-handed weapons
Zombie kill trophies are now unlockable with combined kills from multiplayer
Levels unlocked in the two-handed weapons mode are now also unlocked for the normal campaign
A setting has been added for the rotation speed
A setting has been added to disable the 180 flip on certain controls
A setting has been added for adjusting the grenade belt height
Multiple gameplay tips have been added to the loading screen
Fixed some locomotion collisions
Added ‘run’ locomotion speed to Move controllers
Minor gameplay fixes

Arizona Sunshine

Arizona Sunshine
di 27 jun, 2017
Vertigo games
Jaywalkers Interactive
